New construction of a tall building with cranes

A Water Treatment Partner for Your New Construction

Organizations spend millions of dollars on HVAC capital equipment whether it be for upgrades, expansions or for entirely new facilities. It is imperative to the future operational success of this new HVAC equipment that they are properly cleaned and passivated before their initial start up. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers maintain guidelines for the chemical cleaning and passivation of the internal metal surfaces of new boilers, chillers, and pipe work. In fact, if your newly installed piping and equipment is not properly cleaned and passivated, you can almost guarantee future problems.

This is just one of the many examples of why it is critical to partner with the right water treatment expert to ensure systems are commissioned and treated properly from the beginning. In addition, Clarity’s programs, technicians and technologies can supplement your organizations Facility Management Division as well to provide services you don’t currently offer but your customers need.

Why should your new construction project involve Clarity?

    • Full service HVAC cleaning division that will perform initial equipment and piping disinfections and passivations.
    • A full catalogue of flush-out, cleaning and passivation chemistries for any type of piping and equipment.
    • Expertise on water treatment bid specifications to ensure full compliance at a cost-effective rate.

Contact Us to learn more about how Clarity can save on your water treatment program!

We’ll look for ways to save you money by making your facility’s water systems more efficient, safer, & greener!

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We’ll look for ways to save you money by making your facility’s water systems more efficient, safer, & greener!

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Ten Huge Mistakes Facilities Make in Boiler Operation and How to Avoid Them

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